
darment Desining

The next step is placing the pattern pieces on the fabric review the pattern to properly fold the fabric folds might need to be moved the garment desining

deepika Garmend desining

Fashion designing is an art of creative  deteials   lt is a form of art dedicated to the creation of clothing and  other significant and other the garment desining

Deepika Garment designing

Garment design is an integration of all the design elements including colour texture,space,lines,pattern silhouette, shape,proportion,balance, emphasis

deepika Garmend desining

garment constructs once  have a less buggy version werking l have to post the Mel sripthere for others to try out below shows there stages of the mapping process  the finished garment wrieframe view of the garment converted to a polygon uv mapping pattern pieces

Garment designing

The garment designing First I have been investing vv mapping as a way to create garment patterns suitable for cutting using a polygon the garment desining locations number of pattern pieces etc unfortunately Maya still does not understand the concept of seam alllowance

garment designing

The commercial 3D animation package Maya can be adapted to function as a very powerful fashion design tool using the m thril integrated design concept as an example my research has focused on a handful of techigues